Saturday, February 5, 2011


Brazilian sport of Capoeira which could be best described as an acrobatic fight so if you’ve spent your life thinking that Jackie Chan has all the best moves then you need to see the Capoeristas in action. As a sport it’s very relaxed, being played to traditional Brazilian berimbau music, and is played with the flair and best known for with cartwheels, somersaults and assorted acrobatic movements.

Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian type of martial art, game, dance, and culture which was created by the enslaved population of Africans during the 17th century in
The capoeriaristas (participants) would form a roda, or circle, and take turns in playing their musical instruments, sing and even spar in pairs in the center of the circle. This game is smudged by smooth-silky acrobatic play, slick tricks, stratagem as well as the extensive utilization of groundwork. During the game, a participant must shun away a sweep, kick, head butt or trip that is most likely to knock him or her on the ground. Compared to some form of martial arts, Capoiera uses less slaps, punches, body throws and elbow strikes. 

Suitable for:

- launchings
- outdoor events
- parties
- programme filler

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